Monday, June 16, 2008

Our Father's Day Weekend

Dallas had a 4-day weekend for father's day so we decided to go camping. We had alot of fun. Gavin is definately his father's son. He loved every minute of it. He wanted to be outside all day playing in the dirt, throwing rocks, and fishing. It was a battle getting him to go in the trailer at bedtime. Even after three days he hadn't had enough. He did not want to go home. Mackenzie on the other hand didn't enjoy herself quite so much. She says that she had fun but it didn't show. She was pretty miserable. She would have prefered to stay at the trailer and color, read, play games, and watch movies instead of hiking around and fishing. But even that would get pretty boring after a while so she was pretty onry by the 2nd day. I cant say that I blame her too much bacause by the end of the third day I couldn't wait to go home either.


Leslie said...

Sounds fun! You have to take advantage of those 4 day weekends! I wish we could get a two day weekend again!!! :) Oh well we knew what to expect when we came! Tell everyone hi for us- we miss you guys.
Love ya