Hello everyone!
I know I have been terrible with keeping up on my blog. I need to do better because I have it printed every year and it serves as my journal/scrapbook so I really need to keep it up, but I have been crazy busy with school and kids and everything else, so the blog, as well as other things have been moved to the bottom of my priority list. The good news though, is that this semester is 1/3 of the way over already!! 9 weeks to go, then I will get a break and will hopefully be able to catch up on a few things. Mackenzie is loving first grade and is reading up a storm. Right now she is reading Charlottes Webb. She wanted to get it when we sent in the book order. I thought it would be one that I would have to read to her and I really didn't think she would be too interested in it yet because there are no pictures in it. She has surprised me though. She sits in bed every night and reads a couple pages. She needs help with a few words every now and then but she is doing great! She has taken it to school a couple times so she can read it while on the bus. I am so proud of her for all she is doing. Gavin, on the other hand, is her complete opposite. He is definately a boy's boy. He will be five in April and he still won't even write his name. He has NO interest in reading and writing. He would rather be outside digging in the dirt. He is going to a different pre-school this year and he loves it! He loves doing crafts: cutting, glueing, painting, drawing, ect... but, we are going to have to really work with him to get him to learn to read and write. It is going to be very hard for me to send him to kindergarten next year. I am not ready for that. I still think of him as my little baby boy and I don't want him to be that grown up. He is my little buddy, so I won't know what to do without him at home. Avery is the funnest baby. She is starting to walk a little bit but she will only do it of she has her tennis shoes on, and she doesn't walk forward in a stright line, she walks sideways. It is so funny-she gets so proud of herself and smiles and claps. She is almost always happy and just has a great disposition. She still only has 2 teeth. There is one on the top that looks like it's going to break through at any second, but it has looked that way for three weeks and it's just not coming in. I wish she would slow down and stay a baby for just a little while longer but she has other plans! They are already getting excited for christmas and Mackenzie changes her mind about what she wants every day. I'm afraid it's going to be a long wait for them! I am in charge of Mackenzie's class party for halloween and Mackenzie is having so much fun helping me plan it. Gavin wears his costume almost every day. I think it will be completely worn-out before halloween even gets here. That's all for now!