Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My baby girl

I am so far behind on my blog and I will get caught up… some day! I just had to put up some pictures I took of Avery tonight. Avery has NEVER been a thumb sucker. None of my kids have. This past week though, she has suddenly started sucking her thumb. I would have never thought a three year old would just suddenly start sucking their thumb for no reason. I think there must be someone at Day Care that does it or something and she is just copying them.  I just hope it does not become a habit. She has never wanted to grow up and she still just wants to be a baby. She gets mad if you call her a big girl and she still wants to be carried everywhere we go. I think she is adorable! We are trying to put a stop to the thumb-sucking so it doesn’t become a problem but this is how she fell asleep on the couch tonight. I thought I’d better take a picture before I yank the thumb out of her mouth.halloween 091 copyhalloween 095 copyhalloween 098 copy