Saturday, August 11, 2012

Family Time!

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For our Anderson family reunion this year, we went to Bear Lake. The weather was perfect and the kids all had a blast!

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Avery, Gavin, Hayden, and Rylee couldn’t wait to build sand castles!

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Grandpa helping the kids collect seashells

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Jaxon and Avery

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Mackenzie, Gavin, and Avery having fun in the sun!

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Taylor, Avery, Joye, and Kyrie chasing their shadows

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Mackenzie and Sara…. I don’t know what they were doing lol!

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Cute baby Camden

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Grandma and baby Paityn

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Camden and Alek

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Grandpa teaching the kids how to skip rocks.

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Story time….Now, no family reunion is complete without a little drama right? The kids all played so well, we had no problems at all so leave it to me to set it right by adding a little drama and excitement. First a little background.. Last weekend when we went to the Gorge as I said in my last post, Mackenzie locked my keys in my car. I mentioned that while we were at Bear Lake and I added that I have no spare key for my car.  After a little conversation about how I had taken my key to get it copied, and how they wouldn’t do it because it was chipped, I said it was ridiculous that the ornery lady wouldn’t copy it just because it had a little chip in it (meaning the key was damaged). Mark started laughing and pointed out that she probably meant the key had a microchip in it so it has to be copied at the dealership where they can duplicate the microchip. Aha! After feeling like an idiot, I let the whole key subject drop. That night, we were getting ready to leave and we had a long drive back to Grandma and Grandpa’s house so I took Avery into the port-a-potty. I should probably mention that Dallas wasn’t there at this point. He had left earlier and gone home.  Anyhow, Avery was scared and didn’t want to go potty because it was dark in there. I put my keys and my cell phone in my sweatshirt pocket, and dragged her in. I was holding on to her, trying to get her to go potty and as I sat her down, she panicked when she saw the gaping hole full of –well, you know what. Anyhow, she panicked and grabbed the front of my sweatshirt. Then I hear a “PLOP”. I just about died. I knew what had happened and I was just praying that it was my cell phone. I reach into my pocket…. My cell phone is right where I left it and my keys are no where to be found.  After using my cell phone as a flashlight and confirming that yes, my keys were indeed sitting on top of about a ton of crap, I started laughing.. hysterically. It was one of those times where you are going to either laugh or cry. I laughed. I guess I am just lucky they didn’t sink! A few minutes later, my dad pulls up and you should have seen the look on his face when I told him what had happened. Priceless! Mark and Sherin had left but we knew Mark had a big shovel in the back of his truck so we called him and they came back and my dad and Mark went fishing. They were pretty creative. Using a shovel, a thin piece of metal shaped into a hook, and some electrical tape, they got the keys out without any trouble. As Mark is cleaning my keys, I look at them and notice the ignition key is not among them. I have a magnetic keychain that separates so the ignition key can be separated from the others. You’re thinking the ignition key was in the toilet?? No, It was safe and sound in my car the whole time. Phew! So, all that fell into the toilet was my house key, my mail box key, and the clicker (I don’t know what they are called(The automatic door locker thingy). If I had realized that sooner, I would have just left them there! But, My dad and Mark saved the day anyway. Here we are over a week later, and I still have not touched those keys. I just can’t do it! After all of the excitement, I just wanted to go home and stay there!! Really, why does this “crap” always have to happen to me??

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After retrieving my keys, we headed back to my parent’s house and after some much needed sleep, we got up and had a fun run for the kids then went to the Wheat and Beet days parade.

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mmmm. Candy!

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Then we went to the annual fire fighter’s water fight. They had about 6 trucks spraying water and the kids all got soaked. They loved it! Especially Avery. She thought it was a great time!

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We had a delicious dinner at my mom and dad’s house then we went to the fireworks. I even convinced my friend Constance to drive down from Idaho and come with us. She lived with me for a couple months when we were 12 or 13 and I have not seen her in 3 1/2 years so it was great to see her and catch up a little bit.

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Before I left, Mark snapped this picture of Sherin, Staci, and I. I stole it off of Sherin’s facebook page. We missed Erick and Leslie but It was great to spend some time with my family. I just wish we could get together more often!


Shauna said...

You seriously had me laughing! I'm so sorry about your keys. (still laughing) Sounds like your trip was still a good one though.