Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Gavin's "Big Boy Bed"

Gavin has been sleeping in a toddler bed, and we decided that it was time to bet him a "big Boy Bed." We ordered the bed online and I didn't realize just how big (tall) it was. I have been really nervous about him falling out and getting hurt on the hardwood floors but he's been just fine. He uses a little chair to climb into bed and picks a whole bunch of toys and books to sleep with every night. He's growing up so fast. The good thing about that is that he's finally potty-trained!! Yeah!! We still put a pull- up on him at night (just to be safe). It has taken me six months of battles to get to this point. (And to think that Mackenzie was potty-trained in less than a week!)


Leslie said...

I love your blog. How did you get this template?
It is so cute!