Thursday, April 24, 2008

So, I took Gavin to the doctor for his yearly checkup, and the doctor heard a heart murmer that he's never noticed before. So, he sent us to hospital to have some tests done. He got chest X-rays and an EKG. He was so good! Most kids would have been terrified to have all of those wires hooked up to them but he wasn't. He sat there with a big smile on his face the whole time. Then when I had to leave the room while he got his x-rays done, he listened to the radiologest and did everything they told him to do without complaining at all. I was amazed at how well he did. The test results came back abnormal and showed that he does have a murmer, but the doctor is hoping that it will correct itself within the next few years. If it doesn't by the time he turns five, they will run some more tests and see how things look at that point.