Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What a big Girl!

The past couple of days, Avery has acted like she's always hungry. I would feed her a bottle and within 2 hours, she would start thinking that she was STARVING. I tried just feeding her more at a time, but she wouldn't take any more. So, the other day when I was at the store, I grabbed a box of baby cereal with bananas in it and thought I'd give it a try. I figured I'd be lucky to get a couple spoonfulls in. With my other two kids it took them FOREVER to get used to eating with a spoon. And she really shouldn't be eating it yet anyway, because she's not even 4 months old. I mixed some up and she ate every bit of it. I couldn't believe how well she did. She LOVED it! She is now a much happier baby.


Marble Quarry said...

Wait... She isn't even 4 months? When's her birthday? I thought she was older than Rhett?

Wright Family said...

Wow thats cool she is eating it good. I cant wait till my baby is here. I want to start shopping and setting up the crib but we are going to list our house by the end of jan so no point in setting up a crib pray for me that our house sells so i can stay home and just do the photography thing

Rindi said...

I can't believe how big she is. I just want to squeeze those chubby cheeks

Marble Quarry said...

Rhett was born 8*18*08. Where does Sharon's husband work that he has to work on Christmas Day? We know how that it is and it totally sucks.

Gina said...

Now wait a minute.....where did all her hair go??

Such a cutie!!

Mark & Sherin said...

I can't believe she is eating all that. I still can't force Taylor to eat anything. She gags on everything and if I try to sneek something in she shakes her head and I feed her cheek. That is awesome. She is getting so big and darling.