Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1st 2008 Wyoming Deer


Wright Family said...

Yeah the HUnting season stinks its better this year than last year. But, thats because i had a lot of things to keep me busy plus i went camping the weekends or nights i could. But, He has his deer and elk so now is just bird hunting which one opens saturday so the kids are going to have a sleep over with my mom and grandma since its conference weekend and i have to work. They don't have sleep overs in smithfield anymore so its good that way. I work the 11th during the whole day if you want you can stop buy we are having buddys b-day party at toad/mulligans in harrisville. They Kids will be doing arcades and everything. Call Conny She has some excited news. ..... Just a hint we have alot of FRIENDS who are.. plus you and amanda. Hope that helps. Have a good Day i got to go to the store and print off trevers deer pictures

Staci Scott said...

That deer looks like it has a BIG body! Congratulations Dallas!