Sunday, March 8, 2009

He is my child

I've always wondered If Gavin had gotten any of my genes in him because he is just like his dad in every way. Well, on Friday, I realized that he did get a little bit of me in him. My mom came up to visit for the weekend. After she got here, I had to run to the bank and post office. While we were out, we stopped at the cafe to fill up the bubble-gum machine. Mackenzie had gone in first, while I was getting the baby. Gavin had tried to follow her in. She didn't hold the door open, so he tried to grab it as it was closing, and got his finger pinched in the door. He didn't cry or anything. A minute later he said "look" and it was bleeding a little bit so I went in and got him a band-aid. He kept saying it hurt. My mom said " He's looking a little pale." We asked him if he wanted to lie down for a few minutes and he said no. I didn't think anything of it. He wasn't crying or complaining. So, I was trying to get the lid off of the gum machine and the next thing I know, my mom had him in her arms, and is rushing him to the bathroom. As she walked out the door she said"He threw up." I hurried and dumped in the gum and went into the bathroom. He was laying on the floor and his face was completely green. He had no color at all. It's a good thing my mom was paying attention to him because I wasn't. He had passed out!! She caught him and as she picked him up, he had thrown up all over himself and her. The poor kid wouldn't even talk. He just layed there on the floor and looked around like he couldn't figure out what had happened. I carried him out to the car and let him lie down in the back seat while I drove home. I took him in and he just wanted to lay on the couch and watch a movie. It took him quite a while to get back to his ususal self. So, apparently he inherited the passing-out gene from me. Poor kid.


Marble Quarry said...

LOL that is so funny, I mean sad but funny poor Gavin!

Marble Quarry said...

Question, sometimes you see those pictures that are all black and white and then like the bouquet is in color. Can I do that with Photoshop and do you know how? I am doing my cousin's wedding pictures in May and she wants some like that. HELP!

The Johnson's said...

Oh poor little bugger.. ha ha I remember when we went to get our belly buttons pierced in St. George and you passed out 2 or 3 times..Good thing Dallas was there to catch you!

Wright Family said...

Poor Guy thats a bad thing to Inherit.. I so remember when you did it in st George.. then you had to go home.. SAD...

Wright Family said...

there is the one that is in south jordan just make sure you get tickets the day they come available thats what i did. It was still a month out from when i got the tickets to. Because i wanted a night so Trever could come too.

Kylei was so good the whole time. But, after at Dinner not so good. HAHA Atleast they were good in the temple Right