Friday, January 30, 2009

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...It has been 26 years since my last confession.

1. I did not go a whole day and eat nothing but a piece of coconut cream pie. That would be SO unhealthy.
2. I did not wash my cell phone in the washing machine and then say " I have no idea why it's not working" when Dallas asked me what was wrong with it. I would NEVER do something like that. I AlWAYS check pockets when doing laundry, so that would never happen to me. But, if it did, maybe Dallas should punish me by taking away my laundry priviliges. I think that would be appropriate, don't you?? It's a good thing I didn't do that. Otherwise, he might be a little upset when he reads this.
3. I did not spend hours making dinner, just to feed it to the dog and go to Taco Time instead because it didn't turn out very well. I wouldn't do that. That would be too wasteful.
4. I absolutely did not make Dallas sleep on the living room floor last night because I had just washed the sheets and he was filthy and refused to get in the shower because he was too tired. I would never be so mean. (OK- maybe I would)
5. I would never bribe Mackenzie with money to clean Gavin's room when he wouldn't. Bribery is absolutely WRONG and I would NEVER do such a thing.
6. I would not ignore my kids on a saturday morning when all I wanted was to just sleep-in for one day! I am a better mom than that. I would never leave my kids unattended while I slept in the other room. If I was going to do that, which I didn't, I would be very grateful that when they decided to make their own breakfast, they chose to make cold cereal instead of pancakes or something, because that would have been a disaster!

I think I've disclosed enough for one day. What things did or didn't YOU do this week?
Thanks Brooke!


Brooke said...

Oh, you and I are kindred souls. I never bribe my kids either. If the phone ever gets washed again or falls into water, you can put it in a bowl of rice (dry) all day and for some reason it will work again. That is, if that had actually happened. But I believe you. I'm sure it didn't happen.

Kristina P. said...

I did not take my Snuggie to St. George with me, just so I could take awesome pictures and my family could wear it.

Marble Quarry said...

where do you get your cute graphics?

Tiffany P. said...

I did not push "ignore" on my phone when some random person fromt the ward called.

Gina said...

Oh I seriously have been cracking up over here!! Love it!!

Mandy said...

Hi Joni~
I decided I would blog stalk today. Something I haven't done in a really long time. And let me tell you, I am SO glad I did. I just loved this post b/c I was SO relieved to find out that

#1 I was and am not the only one who will make their husband sleep elsewhere b/c they refuse to shower before going to bed b/c they are "too tired" :)

#2 That I am not the only one who has decided to sleep in on occasion and Pray that my husband will take over and if he doesn't pray that my kid won't do or touch anything that may hurt her

Although I haven't washed my cell phone, I'm sure I would NUMEROUS times if I had one!
And I probably would throw away every dinner I made...if I made dinner!

Your post made me laugh! I feel a little better knowing that there are others who ,although they are still much better than me, do some of the same silly things I do.

So, thanks Joni for the uplifting post! It was fun to read. I hope you are doing well. Your kids are just WAY too cute and you look GREAT! All you Anderson girls are just blessed with great looks! LuCKIES!
Have a good day!!

Leslie said...

That is so awesome. I love the tribute you have on your side bar of Tina!

Queen of Kings said...

You are HILARIOUS!!! Thanks for making my day so much better I was laughing so hard at your confessions you are so dang funny! I love Averys cute little peircings too she is darling LOVE YOUR BLOG LOVE YOU!!!